UBPXcellerator launches 1st Free Comprehensive Data Science Development Program

Union Bank of the Philippines (UnionBank), through its UBPXcellerator Program, has recently launched the Data Science Development Program (DSDP), another first in the industry. DSDP is a FREE data science course for aspiring data scientists that covers topics such as data science basics, data visualization, programming, machine learning, and building data portfolio.

Developed by UnionBank’s Artificial Intelligence Center of Excellence (AI-COE), the comprehensive program will run for six (6) weeks with 19 self-paced modules, including weekly enrichment sessions with UnionBank’s top data scientists.

During the onboarding event, UBPXcellerator’s Lead for Capability Development Cathy Santiago and Tech Capability Officer Jam Salvador gave attendees an overview of The UBPXcellerator Program, its offerings, and the Data Science Program itself. UnionBank Chief Data & AI Officer, Dr. David Hardoon, welcomed the Xcellerator learners.

“For 2022, we are more than ready to tech-up Pilipinas by building capabilities and talents of people who will power the future of banking and co-create innovations for a better world,” said Jam Salvador, UPBXcellerator’s Project Manager.

In attendance were 107 individuals comprising of DSDP students, faculty members, and UnionBankers – all ready to upskill and re-skill themselves in data science.

The trainees can look forward to a capstone project in the 4th week of the program through the Data Science Development Challenge, where they will be tasked to build their own data models. High performers may be extended an invitation to an internship for the Artificial Intelligence Center of Excellence (AI-COE), headed by Adrienne Heinrich, PhD, a renowned Artificial Intelligence and Customer Experience expert. The apprenticeship will allow learners to deepen their knowledge on Data Science and apply the theories they have absorbed during the 6-week training program. Selected participants may also be given priority upon screening for possible hiring for Data Science opportunities within UnionBank, its subsidiaries, and partners.

Cathy Santiago, UBPXcellerator’s Learning Lead, shared, “Indeed, 2022 is exciting for us because we are committed to teching-up Pilipinas and we’re doing so by going to the different schools and universities to offer our courses in highly coveted areas such as data science.” 

Echoing the optimism is Dr. David Hardoon, who highlighted the importance of taking this first step towards learning data science and its applications. “I believe that data and data science are important pillars to everything that we do – from making it real, operationalizing data, whether it effectively means top line, revenue opportunities, operational efficiency and risk management, to new, unthought-of opportunities through innovation and research,” said Dr. Hardoon.

Teching Up the Philippines since 2019, UBPXcellerator’s initial goal was to educate 10,000 learners ranging from aspiring students, job switchers and those who are seeking employment. Participants come from various school partners who have agreed to include the program as an elective for students. The courses offered range from Blockchain, Data Science, and AI, API Development, and Cybersecurity, to name a few.

Follow UBPXcellerator’s LinkedIn Page for more updates on programs and events: https://www.linkedin.com/showcase/ubpxcellerator.