Meralco’s maidenSustainability Report continues to impress international and local award-giving bodies

The Manila Electric Company’s (Meralco) maiden Sustainability Report (SR)continues to extend its win streak at local and international awards-giving bodies this year.

Published in 2020,Meralco’s 2019 Sustainability Report entitled Sustaining the Future presents and articulates the electric distribution utility’s sustainability agenda, rooted in the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs). A global thrust for sustainability established in 2015 by the UN General Assembly, the SDGs are 17 interconnected aspirations that serve as a blueprint for achieving a universally sustainable future by the year 2030.

Sustaining the Future details Meralco’s holistic view on sustainability as the Company addresses Power, Planet, People, and Prosperity imperatives– four focus areas through which Meralco delivers positive impact and ‘powers the good life.’

In its most recent win, Sustaining the Future received a Gold Stevie in the Innovation in Annual Reports category from the Asia Pacific Stevie Awards last July 2021, making the maiden SRthe only Filipino Sustainability Report to win this year, besting entries across Asia.

In March 2021, the Sustainability Report was also feted with an Excellence Award at the 18th Philippine Quill Awards–the highest recognition tier from one of the country’s most prestigious awards programs in the field of business communications.

These achievements are in addition to Sustaining the Future’s first wins last year, when it bagged a Bronze Stevie in October 2020 from the International Business Awards (IBA), and a Gold Rank on December 2020 from the renowned Asia Sustainability Reporting Rating (ASRRAT).

One of the world’s premier business awards, the IBA receives more than 3,800 entries each year from organizations in 63 nations and territories.The ASRRAT, on the other hand, is a ratings system introduced by the National Center for Sustainability Report of Indonesia, to honor companies across Asia for sustainability reports showcasing their performance on sustainability programs and initiatives. ASRRAT judging criteria are based on compliance with the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Standards, transparency of greenhouse gas (GHG) disclosures, and alignment with and support of the UN SDGs.

Commenting on Sustaining the Future’s growing collection of awards, Meralco President and CEO Atty. Ray C. Espinosa expressed appreciation that the Company’s efforts in support of sustainability are acknowledged broadly, saying, “we are very honored that Meralco’s maiden Sustainability Report and our sustainability initiatives continue to be recognized on the global stage.”

“These achievements inspire us in Meralco to further focus our strategic direction towards sustainability, as we provide affordable, accessible, reliable, and clean power, while protecting Mother Earth, cultivating a culture of excellence in our organization, and fostering inclusive growth for a prosperous nation – truly powering the good life for all.”