Have No Fear of HPV with Healthy Lifestyle through Organique Acai Premium Blend

As we begin to transition to a new, post-pandemic world from the COVID-19 virus, we may find ourselves in two positions. Some are excited for the gradual return to normal, especially since we can now see the people we love more often, while others may be fearful of not only COVID, but many other viruses as well. One of these viruses may be the human papillomavirus– better known as HPV– one of the most common viruses transmitted among people. However, we can strike a balance—we can stay safe and protected while enjoying our time with others!

It is understandably easy to be scared of HPV, especially since it is the main cause of cervical cancer. However, not all 150 strands of the virus lead to this problem. Some strains go away on their own without causing infection, while some lead to genital warts. Dr. Mich Dado, an OB GYN of De Jesus C. Delgado Memorial Hospital, explains that everyone who is sexually active will most likely have an HPV infection once in their lifetime. The good news, though, is that there are many ways to prevent the severe effects of this virus!

Just like COVID-19 and other illnesses, it’s important to be vaccinated against HPV. While it will not eliminate your chances of getting the virus, it will greatly help decrease the chance of negative effects such as infections and HPV-related cancers. The vaccine can be given to children as young as 9-12 years old, and to both men and women who are sexually active. For women, a HPV test can be taken alongside their regular Pap smear to verify if they have the virus. Dr. Mich Dado also emphasizes a healthy lifestyle—one with a nutritious diet and regular exercise! This will make it easier for your body to fight off not only HPV infections, but other diseases as well. Also, don’t forget to take food supplements such as Organique Acai Premium Blend to give your immune system a much-needed boost. It’s not a medicine, but it can help give you more protection against sickness through its high antioxidant content by fighting free radicals, naturally produced molecules in your body that can contribute to illness. The number of vitamins and minerals, particularly Vitamin B and C, will also help your immune system in keeping you out of disease’s way!

To know more about Organique Açaí Premium Blend, visit organique.com.ph or call hotline, 0969-1754233. Available in all Mercury drugstores, S&R outlets and other major drugstores and supermarkets near you.