Sun Life Grepa Financial, Inc. (Sun Life Grepa), one of the major insurers in the country, and Global Reliance Management and Holdings Corporation (GRMHC) recently inked a strategic partnership agreement to offer personal accident insurance through Tambunting Pawnshop’s more than 400 branches nationwide.

With this strategic partnership, Tambunting clients can avail of the short-term personal accident insurance for only Php20.00. It provides up to P25,000 coverage to help lessen the financial burden of the beneficiaries in case of accidental death of the insured.

“It is a privilege to partner with a reliable institution like GRMHC which has been in the industry and trusted by Filipino families for over a century. We are happy to offer affordable personal accident insurance that can help provide an extra financial cushion for more Filipinos nationwide,” Sun Life Grepa Vice President and Head of Affinity Marketing Joen N. Songco said.

“We thank Sun Life Grepa for extending its service and product to us through the personal accident insurance. Through this tie-up, we hope to continue providing our members something relevant, valuable and affordable addressing needs that cover beyond lending,” Tambunting Pawnshop General Manager Helen Lucero said.

During the product launch, Sun Life Grepa was represented by Songco, who was joined by Affinity Marketing Operations Supervisor Mark Angelo M. Bautista. GRMHC, on the other hand, was led by Lucero, who was accompanied by GRMHC Business Development Department Coordinator Fatima Vergara.

Tambunting Pawnshop is one of the leading financial service providers in the Philippine Pawnshop industry under GRMHC while Sun Life Grepa is a joint venture between Sun Life Philippines and the Yuchengco Group of Companies.